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Children's Center Programs, LLC
Adult Day Habilitation Program
Partners with Participants
1115 Green Grove Road, Neptune, NJ 07753
Community Alliances
A total of 9,371 participant visits were accrued in the 2 years prior to COVID-19. From visiting the girls scouts' camp sites, to touring local universities, to firehouse demonstrations, to pumpkin and apple picking, to group meals at nearby restaurants and malls-- we strongly believe community involvement is a necessary goal for growth in adults with disabilities. *Participants went on multiple trips*
Community Involvement
The year prior to COVID-19, we had 6,819 community outings

1,497 Participants went out to eat
996 Participants went shopping
1,007 Participants went bowling
1,185 Participants visited recreational centers

1,954 Participants visited other community partners
Community Involvement
Upcoming Community Involvement
As COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed, we will continue to increase the number and type of trips going out daily.

Shopping Trips

Parks and Picnics
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